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Senator Rand Paul has publicly announced his intention to further explore the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic by investigating undisclosed trips made by Dr. Anthony Fauci to the CIA before the outbreak.

The Kentucky senator and medical doctor is conducting an ongoing inquiry to uncover the extent of Fauci’s interactions with the CIA, particularly in light of the agency’s unclear stance on the pandemic’s beginnings.

Dr. Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), is facing scrutiny for allegedly making numerous unreported visits to the CIA.

While the Department of Energy and FBI are inclined towards the theory that COVID-19 escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China, the CIA maintains that the virus likely originated from animals.

“We have another whistleblower from the CIA that says that the scientific committee that was commissioned to look into the origins of the virus actually voted six to one that it came from the lab and that they were overruled by superiors at the CIA,” Paul told DailyMail.

Previously, there were reports indicating that a CIA whistleblower had come forward, alleging that the CIA had manipulated the investigation into the origins of COVID-19.

In letters from House Coronavirus Subcommittee Chairman Brad Wenstrup and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner, it was revealed that the CIA had offered “significant financial incentives” to officials in order to influence their findings.

In a separate communication, House Coronavirus Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH 2nd District) and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH 10th District) wrote to CIA Director William Burns and former CIA COO Andrew Makridis, providing additional insight into the agency’s actions regarding the origins of COVID-19.

“The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (Select Subcommittee) and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) (together “the Committees”) have received new and concerning whistleblower testimony regarding the Agency’s investigation into the origins of COVID-19,” according to Wenstrup and Turner’s letter to CIA Director William Burns on Tuesday.

“A multi-decade, senior-level, current Agency officer has come forward to provide information to the Committees regarding the Agency’s analysis into the origins of COVID-19,” the letter read.

The CIA assembled a specialized COVID Discovery Team comprising seven officers to investigate the origin of COVID-19.

According to a high-ranking whistleblower within the CIA, the agency offered “significant monetary incentives” to officials on a COVID-19 investigative team to alter their positions on the virus’s origin. Initially, six of the seven members of this COVID Discovery Team were leaning towards a “low confidence assessment” that the virus likely originated in a Wuhan laboratory.

According to the whistleblower, at the end of its review, six of the seven members of the Team believed the intelligence and science were sufficient to make a low confidence assessment that COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

The seventh member of the Team, who also happened to be the most senior, was the lone officer to believe COVID-19 originated through zoonosis,” Wenstrup and Turner wrote.

“The whistleblower further contends that to come to the eventual public determination of uncertainty, the other six members were given a significant monetary incentive to change their position,” they added.

Senator Paul’s inquiry also covers financial matters, such as a significant rise in the NIAID budget for biomedical weapons research overseen by Fauci.

In 2015, Dr. Tony Fauci’s leadership at the NIH resulted in a $3.7 million grant being awarded to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Daily Mail reported:

In an exclusive interview with, Paul disclosed that Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), was friendly with the CIA – which is notably one of the few federal agencies that still has not clearly established COVID-19 origins.

‘The CIA officially still says [COVID-19 is] probably from animals,’ Paul said. ‘We also have stories, rumors and innuendo that Fauci was a frequent visitor off the books to the CIA.’

He pointed to how the CIA disagrees with findings from the Department of Energy and FBI that have said the the pandemic likely originated from a leak at a WuhanChina, lab.

And that though an initial CIA assessment found the lab leak theory was likely, senior officials in the agency overruled their findings.

The agency’s reversal and its secretive meetings with Fauci are suspicious, Paul said.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) revealed on Tuesday a shocking report unveiling that 15 federal agencies were aware of the Wuhan laboratory’s attempts to create a COVID-19 virus as far back as 2018.

Despite this knowledge, not a single official or employee from these agencies disclosed this information to the American public throughout the pandemic.

FOX News reported:

How vast was the Great COVID Cover-up? Well, my investigation has recently discovered government officials from 15 federal agencies knew in 2018 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was trying to create a coronavirus like COVID-19.

These officials knew that the Chinese lab was proposing to create a COVID 19-like virus and not one of these officials revealed this scheme to the public. In fact, 15 agencies with knowledge of this project have continuously refused to release any information concerning this alarming and dangerous research.

Government officials representing at least 15 federal agencies were briefed on a project proposed by Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

This project, the DEFUSE project, proposed to insert a furin cleavage site into a coronavirus to create a novel chimeric virus that would have been shockingly similar to the COVID-19 virus.

What does this mean?

It means that at least 15 federal agencies knew from the beginning of the pandemic that EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology were seeking federal funding in 2018 to create a virus genetically very similar if not identical to COVID-19.

ICYMI: Former FBI Official Exposes Tactics of Manipulation and Framing by Law Enforcement Agencies


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  • Millions already knew that the Communist CIA and Fauci were involved in releasing the Covid 19 upon the American population in order to kill as many Americans as they could.
    They all should be shot or hanged for Treason against America and their Oath of office to protect the American citizens and uphold the Constitution. All that has been done to Millions of people across the world is plain and simple intentional Murder.
    Ever since the Communist Democrats stole the election America and multiple Countries has faced pure Evil caused by the Communist Anti-American, Anti-Constitution, Demonic assholes to cause Genocide across the globe.
    They must Die and not get a slap on the wrist.

    • I read some lists that tell quite a few folks in our State, Senate, and Federal levels of government that don’t have a signed oath of Office.

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    • I agree with you 100%. These are evil agents working for the NWO to reduce the world’s population. If they don’t get their rightful judgement here on earth they will not escape God’s judgement in the hereafter. Hell will be their new home.

      • Their entrance into their new home can not come soon enough. There are Thousands of Roman Catholic Bishops there that are looking forward to seeing others as vile as themselves. (though that is not possible). After a while, you know that they have to get sick of looking at each other.

    • Got that right! It’s a shame that only about a half a dozen of our so-called leaders in D.C. have guts enough to even talk about all the crime in Washington, and even less than that are actually trying to do something about it. All the rest are so gutless that they simply go along to get along, and not make any waves. Looks like only God above can save out country now. Keep praying everybody.

  • Always knew that Fauci was dirty to the core. If he is found guilty of releasing Covid 19 on the American people the only punishment for him would be the electric chair.

    • Either that or a televised firing squad, so all the rest of them might finally get the idea that true Americans are fed up with all of it.

    • That is a huge IF. Even IF he is ever prosecuted (never happen), and even IF found guilty, the act will be reclassified as being a patriotic act, and then 20 million innocent Americans will be put to death. That is the way it works. That is why there is no point to publishing articles like this one. No reason for any investigations. The fix is in. Has been since FDR.

  • Why would we be funding China to make viruses they could potentially use against us? it’s amazing how the government keeps saying China is not our friend, but an adversary, but we keep boring money from them, selling them our land and businesses and hiring them to make and sell products to us. Let’s also not forget an unfair trade deal that benefits them not us.

  • What evil horrible people to not disclose as they should have in creating a monster called Covid-19! Really it was “biowarfare” originating & leaked from a CHINA LAB. What’s even worse is whether intentionally or carelessly it was unleash it onto the public for a gain of power and money! Lets have a hearing for violating the Nuremberg code on Medical Experimentation !! Lots of People were killed!!

  • There is Zero doubt to anyone with more than 2 functioning Brain Cells both Facci and the CIA along with their good buddies in the Chinese government were all involved. I bet that Obama,Biden,Nancy,Schiff,Chuck and the Clinton’s are all involved because they had to stop Trump from uncovering their Illegal dealings and ongoing Worldwide Money Laundering. Bad enough the FBI and CIA are involved in Entrapment of United States Citizens but this is outright Murder they are all involved with. Every single person who Died due to or from complications of Covid carries a separate Murder Charge. It’s way past time for Term Limits for anyone serving in our Government. These Lifetime Appointments must end and those in Congress must be limited to 2 and only 2 terms. Fire every single employee of the FBI,CIA,ATF,FDA and the rest of the congratulate of Government Agencies and start over by fully Vetting every prospective applicant. The ATF and IRS need to be Abolished and never allowed to reopen. Until we can clean out the Liberal Democrat Agents he’ll bent on making America a Socialist County and another Failed Socal Experiment We the People need to Retake control of Our Government. Remember it’s We the People not those we elect. We elect them to Carefully and with restraint to care for the American People. We want our Taxes spent here on and for our Population not spending Billions for Border Security of dome 20 other countries while our Border remains wide open with the Liberal Democrat Governor’s working overtime to give Illegals the Right to Vote.

  • 15 Federal agencies knew about it before it happened. Just WHY? do we have that many agencies in the 1st place & why are they all working on the same thing? We, the tax payers demand an answere. The spirit of ’76.