Several videos surfaced from the Gaza Strip on Thursday, displaying how the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) apprehended dozens of purported Hamas militants and compelled them to concede in a demeaning manner.
According to The Times of Israel, the individuals capitulated after being driven back by the IDF near Jabaliya.
Numerous Israeli sources claim that those taken into custody are members of Hamas’ Shejaya battalion; however, Palestinian media have released denials regarding this information.
The IDF has conducted mass arrests in the northern Gaza Strip, with footage emerging of detainees stripped to their underwear and packed into the back of military trucks.
Israeli media is claiming the pictures show the mass surrender of Hamas fighters of the Shejaya battalion.…
— Mary McAuliffe (@mcauliffe_marym) December 7, 2023
Below is a video depicting individuals kneeling with their hands raised above their heads, stripped to their underwear.
At least a hundred Hamas fighters have reportedly surrendered to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) since Israel initiated its incursion into the Palestinian enclave, as reported by Channel 13 reporter Almog Boker.
The IDF has not yet commented on the arrests in Jabaliya.
Here are some captured screenshots further illustrating the abject humiliation these reported savages were subjected to.

So will they be released to fight again in the Jihad??????
Making POWs strip to their underwear is an option with cultures that don’t want to be searched in the western “pat-down” method. It is not done to humiliate them, but to ensure they do not have weapons concealed in their clothing.
Note to writers: Learn something about your subject before you start banging on the keyboard.
I agree with Colorado Cowboy about the reason to strip members of Hamas. This “culture” will take any steps to destroy Israel and its forces. Since surrendering men could very well have explosives strapped to their torsos, it is always a good idea to have them strip at a distance before approaching them. Even if they do not have explosives strapped to their bodies, they could also have knives or other deadly weapons on their persons. Even after they have surrendered and stripped, I would take a metal detector and check for weapons tucked into cavities. Hamas is a ruthless enemy and a ruthless enemy will do anything to take out the opposition and the death of a “volunteer” who can take out some Israeli soldiers at close range is a risk worth taking for those higher in the command structure who are not carrying out the orders.
totally agree with Cowboy and Lawman. and what’s with the wording ” reported savages”? they ARE savages!
Yeh, but then again, the chubby one in the front row with the big ta-tas is kind of cute, don’t ya think? Hey, Fatima! Let’s watch you dance. What’s that? The sand is hot and you are barefoot? At least you still have feet, fatty.
I completely agree with Lawman. Nothing is sacred in this war, but glad the Israelis are keeping up the pace.
The Japanese used to hide grenades on their persons. The Marines made hem strip too.
Do you really believe there is no humiliation involved???? I’m surprised it is even legal. We don’t want to humiliate these rapist and baby killers. That would be awful. Damn savages.
@ Bret:
Israel’s claim of beheadings, as well as the mention of cutoff babies’ feet, is described as bogus. These sensational and graphic details could be a tactic to evoke strong emotional reactions and shape public opinion.
There is lack of evidence for such serious accusations.
The lack of concrete evidence raises questions about the credibility of the claims made by Israeli authorities. The absence of testimony, evidence, DNA tests, or video/audio recordings or even “a dress’ related to serious accusations against Hamas, such as rape.
Also, after 90 days, Israel has failed to produced evidence/ pictures of the 40 beheaded babies, babies mutilated, or oven-baked babies. Did they? All of this is simply a distraction from the real war crimes the IOF is committing daily. As of this writing, there are nearly 100, 000 Palestinians killed, injured and are still under the rubbles. Not to mention another nearly 400 killed in the West Bank since Oct. 7.
You’re a Muslim. You steal for Allah, you kill for Allah, and you LIE for Allah. That’s all there is to know about you. You’re a thief, a killer, and a liar.
Hey Michael, that is pure poppycock! You have nothing to contribute to the conversation. Typical Zionist tactics. Just smear the messenger and change the subject.
Exactly right. Sure, it is humiliating. But only as an unavoidable byproduct of doing your job and not getting killed.
I second that recommendation!
Look like they were caught near the goat pen.????
Your article is kind of slanted. There’s no humiliation intended. It’s hard to hide a bomb vest in your skivvies.
should of just dug a big hole, stand them up by it and gun them down. then cover it up. and never say a word about it. you know dang well they will never stop their stupid BS. look how they murdered 1200 for what ??? and they people here backing them is even stupider then the fact the hamas did that. take them protester and ship them over to a muslim country where they belong. see how things go for them when it hits them that they don’t have any rights there like they did in the usa. dumb azz’s that they are deserve nothing less for being that stupid. but that’s just my opinion, and a opinion is like a azz hole, and they just happen to act like one. try growing up some, yall make the country and our people look idoits. try being responsible for your own actions
Not very Christian of you. However, I agree with you completely. Kill them all, let God sort them out!
So true! wipe them off the face of the earth! they are evil !
Genocide WS! When the former President of Iran was once accused of wiping out Israel from the map, the whole west went ballistic 4 ten years. Few years ago, one Israeli official confessed that it was not true and it was simply a mistranslation. But there was no retraction or an apology. You no longer need to ask the dumb question, “why do they hate us?”
You do realize that if those middle easterns/terrorists find out that you are gay, you get thrown off a roof. I just wonder what they would do if they found out that you were born a boy and now claim to be a “girl”. Is “rape” in the offing for that person? Does that person still have a penis or does that person now have a vagina? I also wonder what they would do if they found out that you were born a girl and are now a “man”. is sodomy in the offer for “her”, or would she be raped because she doesn’t have a penis?
The Algerian Muslims who took Khadafi alive raped him with a sharp stick, then killed him. So it doesn’t really matter. They’re going to execute victims after they’ve gotten tired of torturing them.
Too bad they weren’t publicly beheaded and raped in front of their children.
somehow, that seems befitting.
Humiliation is a far far cry from the massacre instituted by these beast from Hades.
The reason likely was to insure no weapons were carried under the robes that Muslims wear. Smart Idea!
Well, at least we know that they are not wearing bomb vests….. maybe underwear bombs , but not bomb vests…
Now why would one of those lunatics carry a bomb in their drawers? They may kill a herd of goats nearby if it went off.
Oh good more hostages to trade with 10 terrorists for every innocent!
The ones they can prove committed atrocities on civilians should be hung.
You are judged by the company that you keep. Hang them all, then you can repent.
The IDF should have poured a sweet liquid on the body of these savages, and then blow sand in their direction. That would be a fitting reminder of the atrocities committed by their cohorts.
If this is not a STAGED event by Hamas, they need to explain how a dozen Israelis were able to force more than 5 times their number to do ANYTHING.
well when you have a gun pointed at your head or a knive a half inch away from your neck you would probably do what ever they tell you to do and i do believe that their making them all stripe to their undies is to make sure that they dont have any bombs or any other type of weapon on them and if this is true then good for the people of Israel I support Israel in every way possible to defend themselves from the parasites hamas all hamas deserve to be sent to hell GOD BLESS ISRAEL
The IDF is now pumping sea water into the Hamas tunnels to literally flush out the terrorists. The Israelis are doing this slowly to allow these slime to escape and hopefully, bring out any of the ones they kidnapped as well. It is probably hard on Hamas to fire weapons straight when shivering badly due to water temperatures.
Hard to hide the bomb strapped to your body when you’re stripped down to your underwear.
I Call Bull Shit!-Most Likely Innocent Villagers-Got To Look Good For The Propaganda Machine!!-And All Heavily Armed Took Everything Off?-Has Jewdis-Information ALL Over It!
Go back to sleep Van Winkle, you look tired.
Oh look! A NAZI made a comment.
I’d say remove any appendages so they would never rape anyone again. Then make them disavow allah and feed them bacon. Maybe tear up a Koran also.
Option b. Just send them to the 70 virgins that they won’t get because they gave up against real soldiers, instead of women and children and babies.
Have you ever seen the news clips of Japanese POW’s during WWII? They were often stripped near naked because the troops feared hidden weapons. I have little doubt the same situation exists here.
You go, Israel!!
Sorry I would have shot everyone of these vile animals
This just goes to show you that the Israelis are observing the International Articles of War. Someone who surrenders is treated as a prisoner. They do not attack civilians and are attempting to prevent as much blood shed as possible. Having said that, I approve of Hamas agents being stripped to their skivvies for the protection of the IDF personnel.
I agree with most of the comments especially about gunning down those Barbaric subhuman Muslims, we have sleeper cells all over the United States and many are here in my home State Texas, when the right time comes the Communist Democrats and Anti-American Muslim Piece of shit Barack Hussein Obama will side with them to attack Americans.
Those Anti-American Muslim Bastards will Decapitate our children as Hamas did to those helpless Jewish babies and they even set fire to babies while they were alive, does Americans want that in our Country.?
I’m with most of the comments Kill all untrustworthy America hating subhuman Muslims and burn down their Mosques where hatred is taught, shoot every Communist Muslim professor teaching our College students to embrace Islam and hate America.
If we don’t then they’ll shoot, Rape, bomb every city in the United States.
If you think I’m not very Christian for my thoughts well the truth is I believe in the old testament “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”
Antifa is no different, they should be cut down in the streets.
They have to make these animals strip to make sure that they are not concealing explosives under their clothes.
I’m sorry I don’t feel bad for them. They might be in their underwater ( you can see no hiden weapons) but at least no one chopped their heads off with a damn shovel or shot in the face & head until they weren’t recognizable . They started this for land that NEVER was theirs in first place. If you would read your Bible people there never was a Country called Palastine it never existed . The Jewish people actually own more land than what they set on right now. God gave Abraham & all his descendents going forward the land called Israel but even more. in 2005 Israel gave the Gaza strip to the Palastine people. They wanted even more & it’s not theirs to have. Israel gave them pipes for a water system & what did Hamas do…tire them up & used them to make rocket launchers. Hamas started this war not Israel. Israel has every right to wipe them off the face of the earth.
You are 100% correct Shirley
Right on! 100%
Shoot them all in public like they do. !
This is nothing compared to what these animals did to the women during the October massacre. Nothing.
This is typical handling of prisoners of war. All clothing and possessions have the potential for intelligence value. Typically, PW’s are stripped to their underwear and separated from their possessions.
We must understand that Hamas does not “suffer from” the “Judeo/Christian” morality of Western Civilization. U.S. Marines and Soldiers in the Pacific Theater during WWII learned early on to strip Japanese prisoners to keep them from rolling out hand grenades on American captors and fellow Japanese prisoners. Fundamental Islam once taught that suicide was a mortal sin. However, during the early 1980’s, there appears to have been a new teaching by the Imams in Iran and Syria that blowing oneself up to kill enemies of the faith was considered martyrdom for Allah and would guarantee passage to heaven and 72 virgins. So it is foolish to ignore the possibility that it will happen as often as we allow it.
I am impressed the Islamic’s are wearing underwear…the filthy rapists/baby killing bastards that they are!
Nice pictures for a calendar. Before 9-11-2001, there was an Islamic calendar in Britain with airplanes flying toward tall buildings.
Over thirty five years ago I suggested that the airplane hijacking that had been going on, usually done by…of course, you know…could be avoided by having passengers naked and carrying guns. One or two planning a hijack would be trumped. Since that was in the time of AIDS, the finishing safety touch was to have condoms installed.
Shoot every individual in the balls, then go back down the line and shoot each one in the forehead.
These swine need to be humiliated for their actions and bad life choices; they are very lucky to be alive in this situation. I don’t know if I could have been civilized enough to have taken prisoners if they had killed my family and countrymen in such a barbaric fashion.
This a complete lie as usual….Isreali Soilders went into Gaza and Abducted these men out of now where made them strip in the street or be shot…No ties to Hamas just Men in the street…Fuck your fake news I have friends in Gaza and this is Genocide in everyway and the lies you tell do not excuse it…Period….Isreali Monsters kill at will anyone they want and you call them Hamas Terrorists …you news is domestic terrorist Propaganda
You lie you are a Hamas
This a complete lie as usual….Isreali Soilders went into Gaza and Abducted these men out of now where made them strip in the street or be shot…No ties to Hamas just Men in the street… your fake news I have friends in Gaza and this is Genocide in everyway and the lies you tell do not excuse it…Period….Isreali Monsters kill at will anyone they want and you call them Hamas Terrorists …this is domestic terrorist Propaganda
Bet you’re one who fantasize on getting raped and sodomized.
Ask me if I feel sorry for them.
more tits than wits?
HAMAS has shown us what cowards they are . They run into Israel shoot,kill,rape,take hostages then take them back to Gaza using the captured as shields then murdering their captives. Israel justified retalliated and when the Hamas is attacked they cry fowl. I hope Israel wipes out every Hamas,Hezebollah and Houti they can find because we will have no peace till those responsible for the crimes are completely eliminated. I don’t believe any god would award conduct like Hamas with 70 virgins when they die.
Those are no Hamas or Jihad freedom fighters. This make-believe story by the IOF who is having its ass kicked by the Palestinian resistance. The semi naked people in the picture are civilians including doctors, students, journalists who have been picked up in norther Gaza strip. Israel released most of them. I will not brag about this. If that conduct by the IOF is not a war crime, I do not know what is.
Retraction and apology is in order.
How old were you when they brainwashed your mind! I have lived amongst the arabic sdpeaking and now their mode of operation sorry I am not buying more of your lies!
There is the answer no Hamas just freedom fighters
. The Muslim answer is use deceit they don’t know the truth if it bit them in the buttocks. Muslims in Israel have equal rights and freedom as all the Israelis have! I am not bigoted as you suggest just a keen observer who knows your deceitful cunning ways! You come to the USA and want us to change our court systems to Sharia law. If it was so good where you came from why not go back! I am a gentile of non jewish origin but I believe Israel is standing up for the transgression against innocent israelis by hamas. Hamas started it i sincerely hope Israel can finish it . I am in favor of finding all tunnels and detonating them and flooding them so they are in no longer useful to hamas. Hamas has been helping themselves first to all humanitarian supplies that are shipped into GAZA by other countries. Hamas takes care of Hamas first .
Reuters: Hamas & Islamic Jihad rejected the ????????ian proposal 2 give up control of the Gaza Strip in exchange 4 a permanent ceasefire.
That’s the plan of the war criminals 4 the day after.
No way, Hose!
Reuters: Hamas & Islamic Jihad rejected the ????????ian proposal 2 give up control of the Gaza Strip in exchange 4 a permanent ceasefire.
That’s the plan of the war criminals 4 the day after.
No way, Hose!
get on your camel and keep on riding I am not buying your bullshit
Hey Freddy, if bigotry is a crime in America, you will be serving time behind bars.
Mr. Fred, you should challenge my views and not attack me personally. That is not cool, sir. And certainly not a healthy way to have a civilized discussion. I also don’t appreciate you racist slurs and condescending attitude. I hope the admin will enforce the rules about hate speech and bullying. That is my two cents.
Humiliated by daily loses 2 Hamas & Jihad, IOF is now resorting 2 soft targets: Unarmed civilians, women, & children.
Captive soldiers don’t get 2 keep their weapons, idiots!
After 80 days, the IOF can even control Al-Shujjieh neighborhood near Gaza city.
It was the Hamas who began the War Crimes then ran back into Gaza. I might wear glasses but I’m not blind!
For the sake of the accuracy, take it from this retired USAF veteran: Similar to previously staged video recorded & released by Israel’s occupational forces, these images show 70 Palestinians detained by Israel from inside Kamal Adwan hospital, stripped, and made to appear to be Hamas fighters surrendering weapons.
The truth is, these images show displaced Palestinians, many of whom are teenagers gathering in the hospital for safety.
Israel does not have a policy of capturing Hamas members, as they want the world to believe, but instead aims to kill and eradicate them, in line with their vengeful, genocidal war’s conduct.
Israeli forces besieged Kamal Adwan Hospital and detained those sheltering inside, some wounded patients were evacuated to the Shifa Complex at gunpoint.
The IOF bombed the hospital’s water tanks and is preventing the entry of water, food and medicine into it.
The Palestinian Health Ministry says the IOF is now preventing doctors from treating the patients inside the hospital, two of whom have died.
Thanks for giving me a platform.
You would not know accuracy if it hit you in the face. You subscribe to ISLAM and don’t acknowledge that God gave us the 10 commandments one of which is Thou shalt not murder. Those are commandments not suggestions! Running across a border shooting up a concert killling hundreds babies ,children adults, taking captives,raping young and old females is not a charitable gesture by any means.
I would like to share this dialogue I wrote last month with the readers.
My message is to help raise awareness about the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.
An Israeli father-son talk about the war in Gaza
Boy: Daddy, why did Khamas attack us on October 7?
Dad: Because they are evil & hate Jews
Boy: How come we are killing their kids? Are they evil too?
Dad: Everyone (sooner or later) wants us off their land. Why not kill
their children now and get it over with?
Boy: Dad, why are we cutting food, water, and electricity from Gaza?
Dad: So, they can leave, surrender, or die. We only use Hamas as an excuse.
Boy: Dad, we have 7,000 Palestinian prisoners. Why can’t we trade hostages?
Dad: Shush, son! We don’t want anyone to know we are holding that many.
Son: What happened if the hostages die from bombing or lack of food and water?
Dad: Who cares, son! They’ll be collateral damage, and if they’re lucky, they might live.
Boy: Daddy, I am really scared and can’t go to sleep!
Mahmoud El-Yousseph
November 7, 2023
Self Deport!!!
During the Israeli bombing on Gaza, there was humanitarian pause for a week in which the Palestinian resistance held three different prisoners’ swap deal with the Qatar playing a major hostage negotiation role. With the permission of the moderator/admin, I would like to share this article about the subject, which I feel is relevant here, since the issue on hand is about prisoners of war. Thanx!
For the sake of time, here goes.
Crime Minister Netanyahu and genocide Joe.
Both monsters belong in jail. Both are evil, insidious poor excuses of humanity.
They both should be charged with genocide!
Deport all Muslims, citizens or not, from the West. Islam is antithetical to everything America and the west stands for.
Islam continues to attack the Christian world for over 1400 years after Christianity was established peacefully in the middle east 600 years before militant and political islam was spawned from hell.
Hamas – an acronym 4 Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya, or ☪️ic resistance movement. It was founded in 1987 during the 1st. ????????ian uprising against ????????i occupation of Gaza & the WB.
be4, Oct. 7,
supported Hamas with cash since 2018.
Don’t believe me! just google it!
US taxpayers fund the Israeli genocide in Gaza!
Demand Sleepy Joe order a ceasefire now.
US taxpayers should not fund Israeli genocide.
If Hamas is so benevolent how come no nation wants any refugees from Gaza. Why is it that several times in history Gazans have been turned away? Simply because everywhere they go trouble follows them!
If u wonder about all the Palestinian medical staff & others who disappeared in Gaza lately, think of the IOF-run Palestinian butchery @ Abu Kabir in Tel Aviv.
IOF routinely kidnap Palestinians @ checkpoints, raids, hospital wards in order 2 harvest their organs 4 profit inside & outside Israel, without their family’s consent.
I think they all ready got to you and harvested your brain!
Thank you, admin/readers. I have more fun than I could handle for one tonight. Catch you some other time.
Ho ho ho!
My observance in the USA we get followers of Islam here and those who practice it want us to change our laws to Sharia laws. We are good enough to let you in but then you want us to change to your ways. My suggestion pack your bags andf head back to your hell hole!
This is my America too, Freddy! I am entitled to my opinion and if you don’t agree with me that is too bad.
@Fred, given the fact that there only 3 members in the US House of Representatives, it would be virtually impossible to impose Islamic Law in the US. Please read my latest in the subject.
Well I reckon the IDF should have provided these disgraced gentlemen with a nice air conditioned tour bus for their ride over to the place where they will get a shower & some food & probably bite the hand that feeds them too. Maybe, just maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to grab a tiger by the tail after all.
Hamas is to be trusted like you would trust being in a pen with a poisonous snake and a crocodile. If I were in those circumstances I think the crocodile would be the safest bet if it had a full stomach!
I notice that none of them seem to be starving.
thats right they are not starving because they raid the humanitarian raid that was sent in by the rest of the world. Hamas is using the gazans for their own ideological gains!
Switching gear for a moment, did you know AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is planning to spend $100 million next election cycle to unseat the strongest voices for Palestinian rights in Congress — including Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian American in Congress? AIPAC is unregistered foreign lobby group.
They are throwing around massive amounts of money because they have a serious problem: Due to mass protest against the Israeli genocide, today, over 60 members of Congress are calling for a lasting ceasefire, something most American voters want — but that groups like AIPAC are trying to prevent. US should not fund the Israeli genocide in Gaza.
Switching gear for a moment, did you know AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is planning to spend $100 million next election cycle to unseat the strongest voices for Palestinian rights in Congress — including Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian American in Congress? AIPAC is unregistered foreign lobby group.
They are throwing around massive amounts of money because they have a serious problem: Due to mass protest against the Israeli genocide, today, over 60 members of Congress are calling for a lasting ceasefire, something most American voters want — but that groups like AIPAC are trying to prevent.
Dozens of Palestinians were left on the streets after the IOF run them over the with tanks near Kamal Adwan hospital in northern Gaza.
OMG! never seen a worse war crime than this in my life.
Self deport!
Bury them alive!
Hang’em all using pig guts!