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In November, allegations of sexual assault against New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) surfaced, dating back to an incident in 1993.

The accuser filed a summons under the Adult Survivors Act, accusing Adams of assaulting her while they both worked for the City of New York.

Seeking $5 million in damages, the plaintiff claimed Adams sought a sexual favor in exchange for career assistance when he was a police officer in 1993.

Lorna Beach-Mathura alleged that she approached Adams for help with a promotion within the NYPD, as he led an association that advocated for black employees’ rights.

*Warning, graphic content*

“Defendant Adams preyed on her perceived vulnerability, demanding a quid pro quo sexual favor and sexually assaulting Plaintiff, revealing himself not to be the ‘Guardian’ he purported to be, but a predator,” charges the suit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court on Monday.

Beach-Mathura claims that Adams drove “her to a vacant lot and request[ed] oral sex from her,” and when she refused, he put her hand on his “erect penis,” the filing alleges.

When she took her hand away, Adams allegedly “masturbated himself” and “ejaculated on her,” the papers claim.

Adams has denied any connection to Beach-Mathrua and the alleged incident. In addition, he is currently the subject of a federal investigation.

The FBI recently confiscated Mayor Eric Adams’ cellphones and two iPads as part of a corruption probe linked to his 2021 campaign.

Reports indicate that the FBI carried out a search at the Brooklyn home of Brianna Suggs, who serves as the main fundraiser for Mayor Adams.

Authorities are honing in on text messages that imply Mayor Adams may have expedited approvals from the city Buildings Department and Fire Department for the Turkish government’s New York City headquarters, as per information from the New York Post.

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    • Sexual abuse of female populations by Democrats and Hispanics is what makes them so helpful of each other

  • Communist Democrats;
    Pushing transgender operations on children, Passed the protection law pedophiles, Pro Gays teaching in Elementary Schools, allows Sexual assault on Trump’s women supporters and believes made up bullshit against President Trump without any evidence of rape, releases illegals who committed crimes against American women, and the list goes on and on.
    Americans must follow the Law or go to jail BUT’ Not For The Communist Democrats who break the laws on an everyday basis.!!
    Don’t worry America, Nothing will be done about their Crimes since the Republicans are Pantie Waist.!

  • Yep another Black Democrat corrupt government politicians asshole who will never be charged for anything. Just keep voting for these corrupt black criminal racist politicians. This country is destroyed by Democrats. Wake up America before it’s to late.

  • Adam is no Democrat hero.

    He poo pooed on their illegal invasion consequences.

    He’s now persona non grata, which is why all the crap is happening to him.


  • This supposedly happened 30 years ago. Where in the hell has she been. Adams is a turd. but this is questionable.

    • I guess they have been in the same place where the porn star and the nut job were, before Trump ran for President. He just lost two law suits, one from each of these women for millions of dollars. Their claims happened years and years before he ever thought about becoming the President.

  • This is nothing new for politicians. I believe 90% of them are corrupt and crooked as a snake. This would be shown to be true if the DOJ. FBI and local law-in-enforcement did their jobs efficiently. Just look at Senator Mendez and the inside trading by nancy peelosi. Look at china joe and his druggie son.
    One day voters will learn to vote for the person not the party and maybe they will do research on the person they vote for. I doubt it.

  • So another caught Democrat sexual predator will destroy an entire city because they caught him! Sounds par for the course! Sounds typically Democrat!

  • Let’s see………alledged sexual assault…..30 years ago……no evidence……happened in NYC……SLAM DUNK! Oh, wait. He isn’t Donald J. Trump. He is black, and a Democrat. That changes everything!!! Case dismissed.

  • Democrat sexual predators are usually ignored and covered up by their press! Very very few are held accountable, usually because the democrats and press are busy making up stories to smear the conservatives!