The California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) will evaluate regulations next week that would enable the reuse of water resources through “toilet to tap” technology, treating wastewater and reintroducing it into drinking water systems in certain areas.
As reported by Breitbart News in 2019, this new technique, which is similar to desalination processes, is being tested on sewage water with the aim of expanding available water sources in an area that is prone to intense droughts.
Earlier this year, as Breitbart News noted, the SWRCB announced that it would consider such regulations, saying in a statement:
[T]he State Water Resources Control Board announced today proposed regulations that would allow for water systems to add wastewater that has been treated to levels meeting or exceeding all drinking water standards to their potable supplies. The process, known as direct potable reuse, will enable systems to generate a climate-resilient water source while reducing the amount of wastewater they release to rivers and the ocean.
Direct potable reuse relies entirely on immediate, multi-barrier treatment that can recycle wastewater to drinking water standards in a matter of hours. This contrasts to the method currently being deployed in major projects launched throughout the state, called indirect potable reuse, which further improves treated wastewater over time through groundwater recharge or dilution with surface water. While no formal direct potable reuse projects can be initiated in California until the regulations are adopted, water agencies in Santa Clara, San Diego and the city of Los Angeles have launched pilot projects in recent years.
Now, the San Francisco Chronicle reports, the SWRCB is set to hear testimony on the regulations before a decision next week:
“The landmark regulations will go before the State Water Resources Control Board for consideration next week. If approved, they would enable projects sometimes dubbed ‘toilet to tap’ to move forward in numerous communities, including Santa Clara County, Los Angeles and San Diego.”
Several other nations are conducting experiments concerning this concept, particularly Israel, where researchers have examined the potential for pharmaceutical byproducts to persist through water treatment and become reintroduced to the public water supply.
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let’s start by testing it on liberal volunteers (and politicians), do it with them for at least a year, and then evaluate it.
I must admit, the desalination process works well and I can attest to it after living aboard Navy ships. However, there is something about knowing the water running from your kitchen tap is partially sewer water that I find a direct turn-off. Enough to make you drink that crap they sell as bottled water.
Your use of the word “crap” in this context is very interesting.
Well, they already live in an open air toilet.
Never fails, each day I read something from/about California that make me thank GOD for moving out of that stats 53 years ago.
Next, the Kook Californicators will figure a way to reintroduce the human waste into viable food products ready for human consumption, from toilets to the sewage treatment plants, then straight into new food products! One step below Soylent green.
Oh No the liberal training movie Idiocracy strikes again!
Drinking toilet water – It was not supposed to be a how to video!
Next step: “Soylent Green”.
Calif is the test kitchen for every kind of poison food and medication on earth.The people there only care about the sunny days,the Sea and sportscars million $ homes,and no more.
you folks voted for this
Bottled water sales to skyrocket.
This makes sense in this thoroughly crappy state!
And, this surprises who??????
If you mix “potty water” with enough Bourbon eventually you will not notice any difference! If you drink Bud Lite you won’t notice the difference either. Then again, In the case of California, who cares what they drink?
Let’s be clear, California’s water problem is 100% government-created. First, water demand has risen significantly in the last 50 years…not because of population…or increased demand by agriculture. Demand in those two categories has remained flat. But water use for environmental reasons has gone from a low single-digit percentage of total demand to 40% of the state’s water use.
At the same time, the state hasn’t built a major reservoir in over 50 years! The last one built was the Oroville Dam which was completed in 1968!
[All data sourced from NOAA, the North American Oceanic and Atmospheric Association]
I have a viable solution to the insanity called California politics, vote Trump in 2024!
Given the need for a San Francisco “poop map”, it may be as clean as ground water in some Califorina cities.
This is already happening all over the country and has been for years. Cities dump their treated waste water into rivers only to be picked up downstream by another cities’ water treatment system. California is just bringing it to the forefront. Granted
with 40 million people they deal with more crap than most.
Build a wall around that cesspool of a Communist State.
Gonna need a lot of breath mints, in California.
Tried on base here when sewer treatment was done on base (now piped to the county/city facility). The processed water was repeatedly test an found to be as pure as the well water. Just the ethics of it found a good solution. The recycloed water was used on the golf course. It created an enviornmental problem before that as the fresh water deluted the salt water in the bay.